The House Across the Way


(for maximum effect listen to the Rosemary's Baby soundtrack while reading)

There's a lighted window. Across the way. It's the upstairs window of a house. I can see it from my hotel room.

What's going on in that room? What happened in that house?

It's like an Edward Hopper painting without the person in the scene. Very sad. Very...

Is someone dead in that room? 

A murder happened over there and no one knows yet. Except the living murderer. And the dead murdered. They know.

What happened? Why'd she kill him? She used a tomahawk. Like Lizzie Borden except angier and quieter.

He deserved it. Twice to die but once was all she got out of him. Once felt good. 

Twack scream no! thwack again and again scream no please! softer this time thwack harder. Now he's not screaming. Gurgling a little. She lets him. She looks at him as he dies and he looks at her as he dies. And he begs for help with his last words. And she smiles. And she enjoys it.

That was a flashback.

She slipped away. No one saw her.

I'll never tell.

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