Press Release About Living Forever

EXTRA EXTRA! The unhealthiest thing you can do when you're sick is get into bed.


I emailed the latest guru of eternal life and told him he's going the wrong direction.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wolf Alexander <>
Date: Tue, Jan 14, 2025, 05:40
Subject: Press Release About Death
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>

"If you're in love with someone totally and they the same, you can preserve each other."


Dear Bryan, 

I bet you a hundred thousand dollars Seth Rogen lives longer than you do. Because he is very happily married and living a very enjoyable life with his wife.

Bravo on your efforts. I can live forever a totally different way, but your way won't hurt working on as a backup.

A practical example: 

If you can go to a playground and swing on the swing and feel like you are nine years old, your brain will treat your body like it's nine years old. 

Since you're a big shot and a boy, I don't expect you to listen to me. I am writing this for everybody else who reads my newspaper.

You look scared of death, Bryan. You are psychosomatically killing yourself.

Your brain is much more powerful than you realize. Your brain is causing you to age. You don't really look that good for being in such good shape. 

Here's the secret:

If you're in love with someone totally and they the same, you can preserve each other.

"And they lived happily ever after".

That's the end of any story of fairy tale love's beginning. It is a true story -- if the fairy tale love remains.

A practical example:

Your partner is sick. If you cheer them up, they get better faster. 

Now apply that strategy to every day. If you make sure the person you love is happy and behaving youthfully, they will stay young. They will feel young, they will act young, they will stay young.

Your partner of course must do the same for you. They must make you feel great about being alive. 

That way, the little bits of destruction we do to ourselves because of anxiety and depression and general malcontentedness, doesn't happen. 

It doesn't happen if you're with somebody who loves you so much that they can't imagine you not being there and actively work to keep you around.

True love. True love is a reason to fight off death eternally. To fight it off OF AND FOR your partner. 

True love is the best purest reason to live. 

True love is the fountain of youth.


You can't actively work to keep yourself, around, very well. Subconsciously you want to be wanted. And if you're not wanted after a while, you figure, you might as well die. 


To live forever, you have to want, to live forever. If you don't enjoy every day, why would you want to be around for an infinite number of them? 

Not wanting to die, is not the same thing as wanting to live forever. Not wanting to die is a physical fear. Wanting to live forever is a psychological purpose.

That's all going on behind the scenes of your consciousness. That's where health happens.

Think "Patch Adams". Now, apply his methods to yourself, and only one person that you cannot live without. And they do it for you.

"Your job is improving the quality of life. Not just delaying death."

Good luck!

---Congressman Wolf Alexander, 2026, NY10 or NY12

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