"Congressman" Wolf Alexander Says Cheers!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 8:59 AM
Subject: "Congressman" Wolf Alexander Says Cheers!
To: <cashpetersson@gmail.com>, <indivisibleles@gmail.com>, <wbmccracken@gmail.com>, <marykmccann724@gmail.com>, <FromNYtoLAforKamala@gmail.com>, <cindytolan@gmail.com>, <Brooklynindivisible@gmail.com>, <claude@ame-agari.net>, <supportteam@indivisible.org>

Dear Everyone I Hung Out with Last Night at Linen Hall,

Empire State Indivisble,

Hey! Thanks for being so accepting and friendly. Sorry I was late. I will be at the next meeting unless you don't want me.

May I say some things to you? If not, you have to stop reading.


This is going to be strongly worded. I want to show you how I will talk to MAGA.

Please don't get scared or offended...



You all thought I was shy but I was listening. I listen before I open my mouth. Now I am going to open it.

We had a fun little party but I would prefer kicking their fuckin' ass. GET BEHIND ME AND I WILL DESTROY THOSE BASTARDS. "Six ways from Sunday." GIVE ME A MICROPHONE AND I WILL ROAR! GIVE ME THE PLATFORM AND I WILL FLATTEN OUR ENEMIES.

GIVE. ME. THAT. JOB! AND THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. I will make abortion "drive-thrus" legal and all over America like Starbucks. I WILL GET THAT DONE. I GIVE YOU MY WORD OF HONOR I WILL GET THAT DONE.

Give me that job! and I will make every billionaire in America a super-millionaire. I WILL OPEN THE TAP AND THE WEALTH WILL POUR THE FUCK DOWN. 

KABOOM! Like a great big Monopoly Man pinata.

I MUST HAVE YOUR HELP! I want 10,000 people at Washington Square Park this spring to hear me tell Donald Chump where he can go fuck himself. He and Elon and the rest of his billionaire bros club are going to get chased out of Washington by motha'fuckin' me.

How about sending this to everyone you know? That will help.

I AM GOING TO TEAR DONALD TRUMP A NEW ASSHOLE. Whatever fun he thinks he's going to have for the next four years, he ain't gonna have. 

I WILL SHUT HIM UP. I, Wolf Alexander, will shut Donald Trump the fuck up.

That's the kind of attitude you! need.

Every time I make my pitch to other progressives, I get ghosted. Because I terrify you. I am not trying to terrify you, I want to terrify them! But you need to know how it's done. 

Losing has become a habit of our side. Even when we win we lose. Since 2015. The last big win the left had was Obergefell. Since then WE'VE GOTTEN CRUSHED. I'm sorry. It's the truth.

The left is weak. Katerina (sp?) said it last night. "The Democrats are pussies." I hate using a feminine based insult to make a point so I'll agree and say "THE DEMOCRATS ARE WEAK".


If this email offends, scares, or puts you off me in any way, it's you who shouldn't ghost me. 

Jesus can't beat the Devil. The devil can't beat me.


I, am going to kick their fuckin' ass. Are you gonna help me? 

Come on, it'll be fun. 

--Wolf Alexander, independent! for Congress. New York's Tenth.


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