Do I Have the Moxie?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wolf Alexander <>
Date: Tue, Jan 14, 2025, 08:36
Subject: Do I Have the Moxie?
To: <>, <>


May I send you an essay?

If the answer is no you are jokingly required to stop reading, now.


Writer's block. I have it now that I gave you that big promise. Of an awesome essay. I wouldn't trouble you for less than new and my best.

Forgive any typos I miss. Sending this is fun so editing slows that down.
A view from my 3rd floor hotel perch in Charlottesville, Virginia!

I am mentally assassinating boys as they walk past.

See this video:

I'm really bad Dana. Oh, I'm not supposed to talk to you. 

Female reader. I am 9 tons of bad. All against boys. 

This is my Hunter S. Thompson impression.

How'm I doing?

There was an essay headlining today's email talking about a few topics which I found interesting.

If you don't mind, I'm going to tell you what I think about them:


I propose a shortcut:

Talk into the keyboard. If you can't think of anything to say, type that. "I can't think of anything to say."

Keep typing that if you have to. Eventually you'll type something else out of pure boredom.

All you have to do is keep typing something. Anything. Eventually good writing will come out.

Journaling is the easiest way to start writing because it's the easiest subject. You. So casual nonfiction writers have the easiest road to just putting something down on paper. 

Making up fiction is a very difficult endeavor. Fiction writers should start with poetry. 

Otherwise I agree with your essay, and I love this:

I'm an engineer at heart. Bridging always sounds like a good idea.


I am high and having as much fun as a single person can. I am a clever boy.

When was the last time you got an email like this?

GIRLS! Thanks for reading.

I will not be in the city until tomorrow. So I don't know when I'll attend a meeting. But I hope you don't hate me.



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