Zelenskyy, Volodymyr AMERICAN SPY
I sent this as a seperate email after thinking on the problem some more:
They're your only guaranteed security."
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 2, 2025, 15:52
Subject: Zelenskyy, Volodymyr AMERICAN SPY
To: <info@police.gov.ua>, <vidkrytist@mvs.gov.ua>, <press@mtu.gov.ua>, <meconomy@me.gov.ua>, <presa@minfin.gov.ua>, <infomf@minfin.gov.ua>, <press@mlsp.gov.ua>, <infozapit@mlsp.gov.ua>, <zvernennya@mlsp.gov.ua>, <info@mlsp.gov.ua>, <press@mspu.gov.ua>, <zsmfa@mfa.gov.ua>, <mil_doc@post.mil.gov.ua>, <admou@post.mil.gov.ua>, <press@gur.gov.ua>, <contact@gur.gov.ua>, <koord@gur.gov.ua>, <inform@szru.gov.ua>, <press@mfa.gov.ua>
From: Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 2, 2025, 15:52
Subject: Zelenskyy, Volodymyr AMERICAN SPY
To: <info@police.gov.ua>, <vidkrytist@mvs.gov.ua>, <press@mtu.gov.ua>, <meconomy@me.gov.ua>, <presa@minfin.gov.ua>, <infomf@minfin.gov.ua>, <press@mlsp.gov.ua>, <infozapit@mlsp.gov.ua>, <zvernennya@mlsp.gov.ua>, <info@mlsp.gov.ua>, <press@mspu.gov.ua>, <zsmfa@mfa.gov.ua>, <mil_doc@post.mil.gov.ua>, <admou@post.mil.gov.ua>, <press@gur.gov.ua>, <contact@gur.gov.ua>, <koord@gur.gov.ua>, <inform@szru.gov.ua>, <press@mfa.gov.ua>
Says hi, again.
Congressman for you President.
Trump. Chump. Translate that. Say it to his face.
You are between a rock (Trump) and a hard place (Putin).
They will grind you up. Unless...
Unless you don't do what you're supposed to do.
This is your chance to be "George Washington of Ukraine." Ask your country for permission to be stubborn.
In the game of rock-paper-scissors, paper beats rock. Rock is Trump.
Putin is scissors. Rock beats scissors.
You are paper. Make sure Trump hates Putin forever because of whatever agreement you make.
SOMEHOW, poison their alliance as you go down swinging.
That's American national interest.
If I was in your position...
I would stall. Stall stall stall. Both the US and Russia want this over with. You are a pain in their ass. To continue being, don't agree to anything. Tell them you're taking a week off negotiations to ask Ukrainians for their opinion. A "fact finding tour."
Make it last until they start giving concessions. A week a month. Delay delay delay.
--Wolf Alexander on behalf of the deeper, state. Naval Intelligence...
P.S. You know what Winston would say? "Never surrender".