Evidence for Your Ethics Violation
From: Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 9, 2024, 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: Evidence for Your Ethics Violation
To: <tom.roberts@robertslaw.org>
I do not represent you at this time. The only communication necessary is your final payment for the legal services rendered.
Thank you.
On 2024-11-08 17:17, Wolf Alexander wrote:
Tom.I know what you told them on the phone.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 8, 2024, 2:53 PM
To: Haines, Christine C (cch7x) <cch7x@virginia.edu>, Longo, Timothy John (tjl8x) <tjl8x@virginia.edu>
Rerceived.You can guarantee two things, Tim:1. I will follow the order to the letter.2. Eventually I'm going to win.-Alex
On Fri, Nov 8, 2024, 1:40 PM Haines, Christine C (cch7x) <cch7x@virginia.edu> wrote:Sir,Please see the attached document from Chief Longo. A copy has also been sent to you via U.S. post.Regards,Christine HainesSenior Manager, Administration
E cch7x@virginia.edu
P 434.924.7166University of Virginia
Department of Safety and Security
2304 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
CONFIDENTIAL: This electronic message and any attachments are confidential and may contain information relating to students, employees, or the University that is protected from unauthorized disclosure by state and/or federal law. The information is intended only for use by persons to whom it is addressed. Any interception, copying, accessing, or further disclosure of the information is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender.
From: uva-police-request@virginia.edu <uva-police-request@virginia.edu> on behalf of Longo, Timothy John (tjl8x) <tjl8x@virginia.edu>
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2024 9:38 PM
To: uva-police@virginia.edu <uva-police@virginia.edu>; safetyandsecurity@virginia.edu <safetyandsecurity@virginia.edu>
From: Longo, Timothy John (tjl8x)
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2024 6:24 PM
To: Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com>
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 26, 2024, at 6:18 PM, Wolf Alexander <congressmanalexander@gmail.com> wrote:
Its Mr. Alexander but I copy.
On Sat, Oct 26, 2024, 5:49 PM Longo, Timothy John (tjl8x) <tjl8x@virginia.edu> wrote:
Dear Mr. Wolf,
I am in receipt of your appeal.
You will receive my response in accordance with our established policy.
Meanwhile, the NTO is in full force. Your non-compliance will result in enforcement.
Timothy J. Longo, Sr.
Associate Vice President for Safety and Security, and
Chief of Police
From: police-request@virginia.edu <police-request@virginia.edu> On Behalf Of Wolf Alexander
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2024 4:27 PM
To: police@virginia.edu; dyerlawof@aol.com; Seth Sturm <sethsturm@gmail.com>
Cc: Stan Doerrer <stan@doerrerlaw.com>; laura.vozzella@washpost.com; Francisco Mundaca <fmundaca@spigglelaw.com>
Here is the required requested information:
1. Name: Legal Name: Alexander Wolf Weinstein
Stage Name: Wolf Alexander
Address as of this moment:
Address as of November 1:
2. Incident Number and Date
3, "The reason for the request review."
My Bill of Rights rights that your university founder Thomas Jefferson thought were so important have been violated by your police department.
4. "A complete and candid explanation for the conduct that precipitated the Trespass Warning."
I told you ahead of time I was running for Congress and looking for a college girlfriend on campus.
5, "The basis for the desire to be on University property."
I am an American and UVA is public property.
6. "Any other information the appellant wished to be considered."
Dear Associate Vice President for Public Safety and Security,
Chief Tim Longo,
Do you mind if I call you Tim?
Reason tells me you ordered the no trespassing order sent to me, as chief law endowment officer of UVA, an executive branch position. "Commander in Chief" same thing. Otherwise it was someone in your administration, and the buck stops where?
Now you are acting as the Judicial Branch by ruling on this appeal.
That's two branches of government in one job. Seems unconstitutional to me.
So does forbidding me to step foot on public property when I am Alex Q. Public.
Especially since I haven't been accused of doing anything, at least officially. Shouldn't you at least pretend, to follow due process?
Did you clear this with UVA Law? With UVA's in-house counsel?
Thank you for giving me a way to get attention. Reversing this would be the advice I would give you if I was your in-house counsel.
"He's going to use this to make UVA not look very good. You in particular."
You "general" have foolishly allowed me to find "your forces" outside of the law. The big law. The one cops ignore for expediency.
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