It's Lonely Being The Congressman

(So far)

It's Friday night at one o'clock in the morning and I am alone in my hotel room.

This is not my preferred way to spend the evening. 

I am frustrated by my own "rules." I am not allowing myself to openly flirt so as to campaign ethically. But passively waiting for feminine attention is not working. Yet.

The only visits I am getting are from men. Yesterday a boy doing a podcast stopped by. Cool enough but not what I really wanted.

I do not want the reputation of "that sussy guy running for Congress." So I am doing the opposite. There are hot girls everywhere at The Park all the time and many of you are curious about me but not enough to inquire.

I am very impatient for a date. Matt Gaetz I am not. How do I ensure that without spending another Friday night by myself?

The "show" I am putting on at Washington Square is getting bolder. I just ordered a mini gold microphone. But I need to make a breakthrough, socially.

There's also the usual desire I have to not get turned down. It was hard enough dealing with that as random guy. But now I'm "The Congressman". Does The Congressman get turned down?

I'd rather not. I'd rather be asked than do the asking. Because that means I am being approached by a very aggressive, confident woman. The kind I want anyway.

However you ain't approaching.

It's a think piece...

I'd rather risk my reputation than preserve it like this.

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