To My Future Spitfire, I
Hey Dahrlin'!
I am listening to some happy Americana music. But not some good old boy. A great young gal named Adrienne Young:
It makes me miss you and we haven't met yet. I talk to you all the time.
You are my home remedy. I can't wait to be yours.
I am so impatient for you. Yeah I am excited to be a Congressman. But to meet you... You are much grander a dream. You are more than everything. Politics is just the game. You are the real life I want.
I am working on this campaign full blast. And full blast for me is quite a fire, spitfire! I'll change the world to find you.
I am going not to work, but "to play", at 3:00. To The Park! Washington's Square. Which is now Wolf Alexander's Square. Will I meet you today? Are you in my district?
When will we barn dance together by the fountain?
I have been shy to write to you. What if my voters don't take me seriously because I'm pining for someone I haven't met yet?
Oh well! :0) They'll get used to it.
I am expanding my creative world to be famous. Whatever I can come up with that's crowd pleasing and honest, I will do. I must be famous. I will be famous. You will hear about me. That's all there is to it!
So I'll win this election for you!! Not for myself. Makes it easy. If I want you I have to win. And mademoiselle, do I want you! You're all I think about.
-Your lightning