I'm Having a "Fuck Everybody" Day
I just put up the announcement that I'll be at Washington Square Park every day at 4:20 and 5:00.
Now I don't want to go.
I'm in a bad mood because you're not taking me seriously. If you were you'd be messaging me. Or at least reading, listening and watching my stuff.
I'm in a "fuck everybody" mood. I don't wanna go pick up my embroidered hat. I don't wanna leave this room. I don't want to put any effort into this campaign today.
Whether I'll get so bored that I'll go down anyway I don't know. I hate staying in my room smoking and playing online. I'm so goddamn tired of playing on the internet, etc. I love being outside, doing physical stuff. I love adventure. I love a great challenge.
But what I don't love is putting a ton of effort into getting attention and getting very little attention.
If this article was for anyone other than me I wouldn't bother writing it. I did that earlier.