Geoff from Alex, Mate

Oct 2007.

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From: Wolf Alexander <>
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2024, 2:37 PM
Subject: Geoff from Alex, Mate
To: <>

Hey if you don't mind send this to Tucker he doesn't list his email.

Boys! I am about to read your book. Listen actually. Tucker I hoped you'd read the audiobook so I could get a "voiceprint analysis" of your personality. Instead it's some twerp.

I was a fan from 2006, Tucker. You slept with a girl at Penn where I was on your tour. Jealous of you would have been an understatement.

Until only a moment ago it never occurred to me why girls have so many #MeToo stories. The paragraph of this book I previously skimmed that I was floored by said "girls feel all the time how you would feel in a locker room of gay NFL players."  Something like that.

As in, we are bigger than they are, and they always have our ability to "out-wrestle them" in mind.

To add to that:

(and if you say this in Mate I haven't heard it yet):

When a girl tells a boy through words or actions or "acquiescence," that sex is going to happen, we can get excited. And wrongly assume she won't change her mind. 

Because we are bigger we have "psychological mommentum." As in, girls probably think, "if I tell him no now he might get upset."

And even though humans aren't wild animals anymore, we still are. So a lot of timid girls don't want to have the sex they have but don't tell the boy effectively.

"Get the fuck off of me," while holding a big knife is most effective.

Rape is understanding "no" and fucking her anyway.

#MeToo is the girl "said it" but the boy doesn't get it.

A girl who says no in plain English affirmatively can't get #MeToo'd. That's rape. They said it, and loud and clear enough to get through the fog of horny. 

Hinting at it through delaying phrases of uncertainty, or half moaning "no" should be enough, but we are boys and sex is food for thought and we go until stopped.

As boys therefore we must! Remember. That girls who want to fuck us make that fairly clear. Grabbing our junk. Etc. 

We can tell she's having a good time.

"Convincing" a shy girl into sex may not technically be rape but it's unchivalrous and the top girls don't like non-knights.

I am running for Congress. That information should be shared about boys acting always the knight. Boys want 10s and 10s are clear about sex. They don't want boys who aren't clear.

--Wolf Alexander, Independent

P.S. Tucker I am headed to UVA, and plan on going from literally the 40 year old "loser" living in his mom's basement you described, to a 40 year old election winner living in fraternity houses and getting his pick of the buffet.

@SpitfireHunter on TikTok. Wait till Halloween. Tucker I am going as you.


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